9 - dirty-equals
A fresh testing library from Samuel Colvin who is also the author of pydantic. dirty-equals
makes it possible to assert full payloads without a requirement for knowing the exact values of all the keys in the payload. Handy for testing JSON APIs, for example.
Read more
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/samuelcolvin/dirty-equals
- Docs: https://dirty-equals.helpmanual.io/
The code
import datetime as dt
import random
from typing import Any
from dirty_equals import Contains, IsList, IsNow, IsPositiveFloat
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
app = FastAPI()
async def create_order() -> dict[str, Any]:
# Just a dummy payload for demonstration
return {
"price": random.random() * 100,
"products": ["milk", "coke", "pasta"],
"created_at": dt.datetime.now().isoformat(),
"created_by": "Jerry",
def test_order_api() -> None:
client = TestClient(app)
response = client.post("/order")
assert response.json() == {
"price": IsPositiveFloat(),
"products": IsList(length=3) & Contains("pasta"),
"created_at": IsNow(iso_string=True),
"created_by": "Jerry",
tested with: